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Songwriter, Vocalist. Poet & Electronic Music Composer

26.03.2025   |   8:00 pm
Open mic - hosts Anna Iachino & Arnold Ludvig

special guest - Anna Sabina Torkilsheyggi 


Tórshavn  |   Faroe Islands


Niels Uni Dam 

Official Music Video

Out on April 24th! 

In 2014, Anna Iachino and Arnold Ludvig received an artist residency in New York, USA where they performed at several Open mics in the heart of Manhattan. To Anna’s delight, the Open mics in New York didn’t only feature music, but all forms of the performing arts, which included poetry, storytelling, comedy, improv… New York City is widely regarded as one of the fastest-paced cities in the world, a stark contrast to the laid-back, slow-paced, and relaxed nature of the Faroe Islands. Upon their return to the Faroes, Anna was inspired to have the same inclusive concept take place in the capital city. Bogi Andreasen, the leader of the cultural house embraced the idea and on April 8th, 2015, Anna Iachino and Arnold Ludvig started hosting their weekly event, Open mic/Open stage at Reinsaríið in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands.

One of Anna’s many tasks was to submit the text and photo of the special guests she booked to Niels Uni Dam, one of Open mic’s staunchest supporters; he attended every week. Every time Anna noticed an error or missing info, she would write to Niels Uni Dam, and bam – he corrected and added the missing info – right away! “Damn, he’s so quick to fix”, Anna thought to herself. Second time, third time…same thing – bam – in a flash, Niels Uni Dam did it again – beinanvegin, as we say in Faroese! “Damn, he’s so quick to fix”, Anna said out loud to herself. “What?”, asked Ludvig? “Damn, he’s so…oh my God, his last name is Dam, I have to write a song about him”, exclaimed Anna.

Released on the following formats:
Digitally on all major platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.).
You can check it out by using this link:


Kii Aagre -

cosplay artist creator of costumes, wigs, make-up for the Niels Uni Dam characters:

businessman with bowler hat and cane 

football fan of the Faroe Islands 

rapper of MC-Har

Marjun Wolles - make artist for Anna Iachino

Sofia Laura Acierno - dancer

Maiken Aagre - dancer

Frida Poulsen - dancer

Hayley Smith - dancer

Anna Iachino - director, scriptwriter and co-editor

Arnold Ludvig - videographer and editor

special thanx to:

Bogi Andreasen - stage, table, chair, mic, mic stand, and drum stool at Reinsaríið Niels Uni Dam - bowler hat, official Faroese football jerseys and scarves

Johan Johannessen - official Faroese football jerseys and scarves

Johan Hentze - official Faroese football jerseys and scarves

Hayley Smith - stage consultant for Kii Aagre

Arnold Ludvig - computer

Anna Iachino - author

Arnold Ludvig - composer


Anna Iachino - vocals

Arnold Ludvig - bass

Alain Apaloo - guitar

Jens Stoklund - drums

Johan Hentze - trumpet

Trondur Herason Olsen - trumpet

Milja Matras Niclasen - trombone

Matthias Kjølbro - tenor saxophone


Arnold Ludvig - recorded horns in 2016 + recorded, mixed & mastered intro in 2024 Louise Nipper - recorded & mixed vocals, guitar, bass, and drums in 2016

Óli Poulsen - mastered vocals, guitar, bass, and drums in 2016


Video grant support

Mentanargrunnur Landsins

Skálavík Kommuna

Sands Kommuna



Single grant support

Mentanargrunnur Landsins




Released by Tutl Records                           

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© 2022 by ANNA IACHINO & ARNOLD LUDVIG. Proudly created with

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